What if you were able to give the world your story, through the perspective of wildlife?

What You Can Win

Challenge Announcement

"If I was Wild" (Prod. Buckroll)

Warren "D.Zign" Dickson & Kidd Da Great

How to Enter the #IfIwasWildChallenge

About #IfIwasWild

Hi! I am Warren Dickson, a hip-hop musician from Watts. I’m leading #IfIwasWild because I believe in the powerful connections between people and wildlife.

Have you ever really taken the time to notice how much wildlife and human life have in common? Our struggles, our wants, our needs, the way we express ourselves, the way we show love and our will to survive, these are some of the many things that connect us. Did you know that the road systems that we built for our benefit are actually responsible for over 1 million large animal deaths per year? That means that a system that we've set up for our convenience, has inconvenienced another group and it’s becoming a danger to their existence. In the Los Angeles area, an entire mountain lion population may vanish because too many are getting killed by cars.

Now if you're thinking “This sounds familiar”, it’s probably because this is the same as systematic oppression, in our lives, where there is a system set up to give an advantage to one group over another. I started to use my music to help people show these connections, and I want you to as well. I have joined with the National Wildlife Federation and their #SaveLACougars campaign to create #IfIwasWild with Big Picture Anthems. This campaign starts off with the #IFIwaswildchallenge open to all artists around the U.S., (rappers, singers, poets, etc.) and will build up to the release of a national music video during the annual P-22 Day Festival in October in Los Angeles.

Join me in showing through your music, how we are all united on this planet.


Hi! I am Warren Dickson, a hip-hop musician from Watts. I’m leading #IfIwasWild because I believe in the powerful connections between people and wildlife.

Have you ever really taken the time to notice how much wildlife and human life have in common? Our struggles, our wants, our needs, the way we express ourselves, the way we show love and our will to survive, these are some of the many things that connect us. Did you know that the road systems that we built for our benefit are actually responsible for over 1 million large animal deaths per year? That means that a system that we've set up for our convenience, has inconvenienced another group and it’s becoming a danger to their existence. In the Los Angeles area, an entire mountain lion population may vanish because too many are getting killed by cars.

Now if you're thinking “This sounds familiar”, it’s probably because this is the same as systematic oppression, in our lives, where there is a system set up to give an advantage to one group over another. I started to use my music to help people show these connections, and I want you to as well. I have joined with the National Wildlife Federation and their #SaveLACougars campaign to create #IfIwasWild with Big Picture Anthems. This campaign starts off with the #IFIwaswildchallenge open to all artists around the U.S., (rappers, singers, poets, etc.) and will build up to the release of a national music video during the annual P-22 Day Festival in October in Los Angeles.

Join me in showing through your music, how we are all united on this planet.


Opportunity for Artists

(Open to Artists across the United States - Rappers, Singers, Poets)

Winner Gets:

*The Challenge is Open from July 22 – Aug 26*

Challenge Announcement

How to Enter the Challenge

Submission Deadline: August 26, 2021

D.Zign’s Example for #IfIwasWildChallenge

See more examples +

How to Enter the Challenge

D.Zign’s #IfIwasWildChallenge Example

Information & Inspiration to Help You Write

Learn more about the information inspiring the #IfIwasWildChallenege. Get insight on how you can make your verse in the challenge standout as influential and insightful.

Information & Inspiration to Help You Write

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Inspiration to Help You Write

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The famous Hollywood Mountain Lion, P-22, is trapped by freeways and cut off from the rest of his kind. Learn more at: savelacougars.org

Watts, California, USA | “P22 is what Tyrese represents to Watts. Tyrese is one of the ones that made it out. Now we’re trying to create ways for others to make it out and not just be lucky. Let’s build crossings for our youth so they don’t have to dodge the obstacles.”
— Warren Dickson, 3rd Rock Hip Hop

3rd Rock Hip Hop is dedicated to using music to increase kids awareness and importance of sustaining the environment. Learn more at: 3rdrockhiphop.com

Big Picture Anthems

3rd Rock Hip Hop

Our Partners

Our Partners

#IfIwasWild is a program of the National Wildlife Federation/#SaveLACougars

Big Picture Anthems

3rd Rock Hip Hop

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